Below are some policies to ensure the safety and happiness of your pet while in our care.

New Clients

All new clients will require to sign a customer grooming form and are asked to inform us of any known medical problems, allergies etc. We will also discuss your requirements for grooming and inspect your dog. This process will take about 5-10 minutes so please allow time.

Existing Clients

When dropping off your dog we will have a quick 5 minute catch up and discuss if you would like any changes to the grooming style or if there have been any health or behaviour changes for your dog.

Bathing Requirements

All pets are required to be bathed as part of the grooming process with the exception of a handstrip. This is not only for the benefit of your pet, but also to not damage the groomer’s equipment. Each pet is bathed with a shampoo suitable for the dog's coat. For pets with allergies, skin issues, or other sensitivities, we do offer a mild shampoo or soap. Clients are also welcome to provide any vet prescribed medicated shampoos, as needed.

Ear Care

Pets will have their ears cleaned with a mild ear cleaner. If it is noted that your pet may have an ear infection we will let you know so you may consult your vet.

Nail Trimming

Nails will be trimmed during a full grooming appointment. Should your pet show any signs of aggression during the nail trimming process, it may be necessary to muzzle your pet for the safety of the groomer and the pet during the nail trimming. We do not like to use muzzles and will try everything possible to avoid muzzling your pet.

Anal Glands, Teeth Cleaning & Administering Medicines

Under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, only qualified Veterinary Surgeons are allowed to diagnose conditions and undertake treatments such as expressing anal glands, teeth cleaning and administer medicines, or advise owners on how to do this themselves. Whistle & Bark will therefore not carry out such procedures.

Dematting Policy

Minor matt removal is part of the normal grooming service provided but it takes care and practice to undertake and can be a time-consuming process. As part of the general grooming services provided at Whistle & Bark each dog will be assessed on an individual basis and, if after careful consideration for your pet's welfare a clip off is the best course of action and can be achieved in the salon environment, we will discuss the procedure. We will always do what is right for your dog and if a clip off is the kindest course of action, this will be advised.


There is always the possibility of cuts, nicks or burns during the grooming process. Some pets are harder to handle than others and unfortunately accidents can occur. There are also times when matt burns show after they are shaved out. This is not caused by the groomer being careless, but the severity of the matts. Should any cuts occur during the grooming process, we will notify you and advise you on how to treat these. Injuries caused due to the condition of the dog's matting is NOT the responsibility of Whistle & Bark and any vet costs due to these are at the expense of the client.

Elderly Dogs

Only grooming work that an elderly dog can tolerate will be carried out. Whistle & Bark will not cause undue stress to an elderly dog.

Refusal of Service

Whistle & Bark reserves the right to refuse to groom any dog for the health and safety of the groomer and/or the dog. Services may be discontinued if Whistle & Bark determines that a dog presents an unsafe condition. Such conditions include but are not limited to: behaviour issues, health problems and parasites.

Appointment Times

We are sure you will appreciate that every appointment made is allocated a time slot to your dog’s specific needs. This is why we kindly request that you and your dog arrive promptly for appointments and please make sure your dog has been walked and toileted beforehand.

It is difficult to estimate how long a groom will take. New dogs, puppies, larger dogs and dogs with matted coats or challenging behaviours can expect to be longer. An approximate length of time will be advised at the consultation but please understand it is our intention to give all clients the best result but with the aim of always putting your dog first, so we kindly request your patience if the appointment does take longer than the estimate given. We will contact you when your pet is ready to be collected.

Cancellation Policy

We ask that you give at least 48 hours notice where possible prior to appointment cancellation as we are a small business and ‘no shows’ can have a detrimental effect. If we have enough notice we may be able to fill your appointment slot. A £10 cancellation charge will be required if you give less than 24 hours notice.


Whistle & Bark will always work to give your pet the cut that you want, however, keep in mind that your pet's comfort and health are always our number one priority. A record card is kept of every groom. If you are unsatisfied with the groom, please let us know before you leave the salon so that we can make any necessary changes and we can take notes for the next groom. If changes are requested more than 36 hours after the grooming appointment, there may be an additional charge which may include a re-bathing fee.


Your dog may be photographed before, during and after its groom. These images may be used on the Whistle & Bark website, Facebook page, Instagram, promotional material etc unless you specifically request us not to do so.